Meet the Brains behind 99prep


Lona Do graduated Summa Cum Laude with double Bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in 2018. Throughout her academic journey, Lona has received numerous accolades, awards, and scholarships for her achievements, including scoring in the 99th percentile on the SAT.

During her formative years, Lona considered herself to be more of a thinker than a talker. She could often be spotted walking down the hallways, completely absorbed in her thoughts, her hands moving in mysterious motions as if she were deciphering intricate calculations in the air.

Never once did it occur to Lona that she possessed even the slightest talent in the realm of verbal communication. It wasn’t until her senior year of high school – when her struggling AP Calculus classmates started flocking to her for guidance before every test – that Lona realized she had a knack for explaining Math.

At the time, Lona had just moved to the US for under a year, and hence her English-speaking skills were not exactly top-notch. Therefore, she was surprised to find out that her tendency to use unsophisticated language to explain Math actually benefited her tutees.

Later, when Lona was in college and held the position of a Teaching Assistant in a College Calculus class, she observed that a majority of her students faced difficulties with the Chain Rule. This inspired her to come up with the SCRUBS method – a technique to help students apply the Chain Rule accurately in a simplistic manner. Her endeavor drew praises from her Math professors, who announced that the technique was “textbook-worthy” and encouraged her to ponder a career in education.

Nowadays, Lona spends her days working with students to help them overcome their math deficiencies. Studying math requires students to hone their logical reasoning skills, which are vital for making wise decisions and leading a well-balanced life. Therefore, Lona firmly believes that by teaching math, she is making a lasting impact on the students’ lives.

In her idle time, Lona enjoys learning new languages, honing her digital drawing skills, and making quality test prep materials for her students.